Friday, 10 February 2012


I had no idea I had a mention in Dolly magazine until this morning,
I logged onto my YouTube account and I had a personal message from one of my subscribers telling me the news, I honestly thought that she might of been mistaken.
I bolted down to the news agency and picked up my copy and there it was !!
On page 56 The article is titled 'The Top 5 Aussie Youtubers to watch' and there was my name at number 1 !! I have to admit I jumped with excitement when i saw my name printed in the iconic magazine.
I have read Dolly magazine for years and grew up with reading it though my teens so I trilled to even have my name printed on it.

Some other awesome youtubers had a mention in the article
#2 App Chat Elly Bailey
#3 ChampChong Alen Catak
#4 CookingwithKarma Anna Marcaonas
#5 Kimmitalks Kimmi Hornliman

I am so blessed to have so much amazing support, thank you.


  1. That is SO awesome Danny! Well done :D

  2. congratulations danny :) you deserve it !

  3. Nice one! Very much deserved :) Congratulations!
