Friday, 10 February 2012


I had no idea I had a mention in Dolly magazine until this morning,
I logged onto my YouTube account and I had a personal message from one of my subscribers telling me the news, I honestly thought that she might of been mistaken.
I bolted down to the news agency and picked up my copy and there it was !!
On page 56 The article is titled 'The Top 5 Aussie Youtubers to watch' and there was my name at number 1 !! I have to admit I jumped with excitement when i saw my name printed in the iconic magazine.
I have read Dolly magazine for years and grew up with reading it though my teens so I trilled to even have my name printed on it.

Some other awesome youtubers had a mention in the article
#2 App Chat Elly Bailey
#3 ChampChong Alen Catak
#4 CookingwithKarma Anna Marcaonas
#5 Kimmitalks Kimmi Hornliman

I am so blessed to have so much amazing support, thank you.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Youtube journey

I started my YouTube channel in March 2011 on a spring afternoon, 
at that point in my life i just left my hairdressing apprenticeship and was unsure on what I wanted to do with my career. I wanted to get away from the hairdressing world as I had awful experience as an apprentice, at this point of my life I had almost given up on the beauty world. I have always had an interest in beauty and fashion but I wasn't sure on how I could make a career out of it. 

I started making youtube videos on my Macbook webcam. 
I was shy at first and wasn't confident in the cameras presence, I uploaded my first video and surprisingly people liked it. I remember how excited I got when I reached 100 subscribers and it doesn't feel like it was that long ago actually.

I filmed videos in my spare time, at this point I had no idea about the youtube partners program or anything that youtube has to offer, I simply did it because I liked making videos and I also liked makeup :).

well one thing lead to another and now I have been making youtube videos for 11 months and I am currently sitting on just a little over 14,000 subscribers !!, which is totally amazing.
I never expected to have such a great response for my viewers.

With making videos I never expected all the positive feedback that I had BUT with the positive there is also the negative. Some people like to say harsh things that are inappropriate but I have learned to just have to shrug it off and live past all the negative energy.

Some people are really accepting about my videos but some simply don't understand.
I have had people make fun out of the idea of me making videos and mock me, but at the end of the day it doesn't prove anything and it isn't going to stop me doing what I love to do.

I plan on continuing to make video and I hope you follow me on my journey.
